Remarkable I Am Becoming Journal- PROMPTED JOURNAL
Remarkable I Am Becoming Journal- PROMPTED JOURNAL
Remarkable I Am Becoming Journal- PROMPTED JOURNAL

Remarkable I Am Becoming Journal- PROMPTED JOURNAL

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PROMPTED SPIRITUAL BASED JOURNAL. All of us have been sent to this earth to “become.”  We are here to become like God.  We are His children, with His attributes and His gifts built into the very fiber of our beings.  This journal is created to help you find your God like attributes and gifts and cultivate new ones as you BECOME like Him.  Created to fill out once a month, each month you will be able to focus on one attribute of God and how you see yourself "becoming" like Him. This journal connects the attributes of God with your own attributes.  At the end of twelve months, you have twelve characteristics that you have focused on and have brought you closer to Him, while also BECOMING more like Him.  At the end of twelve months, there is a section where you can reflect on what you have become during that year.  You will be able to firmly declare…”I Am Becoming.”

*If used monthly, would include three years of prompts.